Typical costs associated with engaging a builder
Engaging a builder for a renovation or extension is rarely a cheap exercise. Costs will vary widely according to the type of work to be done, the materials used, and the intricacy of the work involved.
It is always advisable to get three or more quotes when employing a builder as prices can vary widely, as much as 50% or more.
Itemised estimates
The typical costs associated with most construction jobs are made up of labour costs, materials and plant hire. Request a detailed quote showing a breakdown of each of these costs so you may discuss where any cost savings can be made. When building a new home or adding on to an existing residence, costs may be broken down into cost per square metre. Again, this price can vary greatly with project and kit homes costing from as little as $900 per square metre, to architect designed homes costing in excess of $4000 per square metre. Make sure you supply a detailed list of the materials and finishes you would like to use and price them yourself where possible.
Council permits
There may also be fees associated with getting the right permits and legal documentation. Asking your builder to list the requirements for you in the quote will give you a better idea of where your money is going.
Call to action
Contact a number of local builders and request quotations before choosing a building contractor.