How many tonnes in a cubic meter?

Published in August 2022

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How many tonnes in a cubic meter?

in Articles Hub
Published in August 2022

How to convert a cubic meter to tonne in landscaping

If you have a landscaping or gardening project coming up, you might be curious about how to convert cubic metres to tonnes for different soil types and materials. In this article, we explore what is a cubic metre, how many cubic metres to tonnes, and how to get help from a professional when you need to convert m3 to tonnes and need landscaping supplies.

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What is a cubic metre?

What is a cubic metre and how much is a cubic metre? A cubic metre, also known as a CBM or m3, is a unit of measurement that measures the volume of a cube. One cubic metre is 1 metre high, 1 metre, wide and 1 metre long, and is equal in volume to 1,000 litres. The conversion from cube to tonne is a little trickier.

tonnes in a cubic meter

What’s the difference between tonnes and cubic metres?

The measurement “tonnes” is actually a measurement of weight. The measurement “cubic metres” is a measurement of volume. This means that for different materials of different density – that is a greater weight by volume – the conversion factor will be different.

So, how do you convert a cubic meter to tonne?

How many cubic metres in a tonne?

Are you wondering how many tonnes in a cubic meter or vice versa? There are a couple of things to consider when you need to convert cubic metres to tonnes or tonnes to m3. This includes:

  • The density of the soil or material, and
  • The level of compaction.

In the context of landscaping, there is no definite conversion rate from m3 to tonne. This is because there are many different types of substances that can be used by landscaping supply stores and plant nurseries. They each have different densities of soil, or densities of materials used with soil, such as mulch.

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cubic meter to tonne

How to convert cubic metres to tonnes

The simplest conversion from cubic metre to tonne is water. One cubic meter of water weighs precisely one tonne (or ton). All other conversion factors are less than or greater than this, based on the density of the material in question.

For example, 1 cubic meter of soil weighs approximately 1.5 tonnes. This is because soil is denser than water. The exact weight will vary for different soil types.

There will also be a variation for different levels of compaction. If the soil is packed firmly, it will be closer to 2 tonne to cubic metre. If the soil is more loosely packed, you may want to reduce it to 1.25 tonnes to m3. Generally, you can use a similar conversion for sand too.

Get help from a local professional

Learning how to convert cubic metres to tonnes can be tricky. If you are at all unsure, ask experts at your local nursery or contact a landscaping architect. With Yellow Pages, you can reach out to a landscaping professional to get quotes for supplies and for answers to any other queries you may have.

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