10 BEST local Butcher Shops in South Tamworth NSW | Yellow Pages®

10 Results for Butcher Shops Near You

Paddock to Plate

Butchers Shop, South Tamworth, NSW 2340

Open by appt

Kays Wholesale Meats

Butchers Shop, North Tamworth, NSW 2340

Penrose Prime Meats

Butchers Shop, Tamworth, NSW 2340

Country Capital Meats

Butchers Shop, Tamworth, NSW 2340

Country Capital Meats

Butchers Shop, Taminda, NSW 2340

Ford's Butchery

Butchers Shop, Tamworth, NSW 2340

Westdale Meats

Butchers Shop, Westdale, NSW 2340

Handy tips

About free range products in butcher shops

Free range means that for no period of time in the animal’s life, the animal has been confined to a cage, pen, stall, crate or feedlot. They are free to roam in a natural, uncrowded environment.

The majority of Australian beef is either completely or partially grain fed, which means a lot of time spent in a feedlot. A feedlot is a farm that is divided into many sections where cattle and sheep are fed grain and water, until they reach slaughtering weight. They do not have much space to move around, meaning less space needed and less costs. As feedlots get overcrowded, it becomes easy for animals to become sick, making it more likely that antibiotics and growth hormones are used.

Most chickens end up in cages, which mirrors the problems of feedlots. In addition, because they are kept so close together and in such vast numbers, they can’t form a proper social structure and begin attacking each other. To combat this, their beaks and claws are trimmed.

This is where free range plays its role. Organic butchers and meat shops near you source their meat from certified producers who ensure a minimum standard of animal welfare. Many local butchers near you will certainly advertise their free range produce. You can find such meat stores in our online directory.

Butchers Shop - Common Questions

What nearest butcher shops are open during crisis?

Yes, your nearest butcher shops will stay open during the outbreak if they are considered essential services.

Are there butcher shops near me?

There are many butcher shops near you. Call around or check website for opening hours, location and read reviews for recommendations.

Should I go to butcher shops if I am unwell?

If you think you have been exposed and are showing symptoms, call your GP for medical advice, avoid putting others at risk by separating yourself from other people.

How do I find butcher shops during crisis lockdown?

You can find one near you by checking your location, opening hours and reviews. Call around to find one that suits for you.

How many butcher shops are near me?

There are many butcher shops near you, but the number can fluctuate over time and opening hours can vary. Start by reading reviews and call around to find which store is best suited to your needs.

Martins Home Kill

Butchers Shop, Tamworth, NSW 2340

Nemingha Butchery

Butchers Shop, Nemingha, NSW 2340

Average rating for
Butchers Shop
in South Tamworth and surrounding suburbs

Based on 129 reviews of 104 businesses on this page

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