35 BEST local Doctors in Australia | Yellow PagesĀ®

13908 Results for Doctors Near You


Healthlink Family Medical Centre

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Cranbrook, QLD 4814

St Vincent's Private Radiology (Formerly CMMI)

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Fitzroy, VIC 3065

Open until 6:00pm

Providing Imaging Excellence - Free Parking & Low Gap Fees

Interventional radiology
CT angiography
CT virtual colonography
Graduate of the University of Sydney - Dr. Kim Taubman
Graduated from the University of Melbourne - Dr. Stephen Schlicht
Graduate of the University of Melbourne - Dr. Nicholas Trost
Interventional radiology
CT angiography
CT virtual colonography
Graduate of the University of Sydney - Dr. Kim Taubman
Graduated from the University of Melbourne - Dr. Stephen Schlicht
Graduate of the University of Melbourne - Dr. Nicholas Trost
St Vincent's Private Radiology (SVPR) has operated as a commercial business unit of St Vincent's Health Melbourne since June 1998. We invest in the latest technology for all modalities. St Vincent's Private Radiology (formerly CMMI) is a comprehensive radiology provider to both St Vincent's Private Hospital and privately referred outpatients.

Forrest Allan W

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Dee Why, NSW 2099

Open until 5:00pm

Our Clinic Provides Quality ENT Services

Hearing Tests
Ear Surgery
Tonsil & Adenoid Surgery
Member Of Australian Medical Association (AMA) - Dr Forrest
Member Of Australian Society Of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery
Fellow Of The Royal Australasian College Of Surgeons
Hearing Tests
Ear Surgery
Tonsil & Adenoid Surgery
Member Of Australian Medical Association (AMA) - Dr Forrest
Member Of Australian Society Of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery
Fellow Of The Royal Australasian College Of Surgeons
Our clinic provides quality ENT services in Dee Why. We are happy to see patients from all areas including country referrals.


Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Cairns City, QLD 4870

Open until 6:00am

Complete Travel Health Advice For Travellers

Comfortable and calming environment
Friendly and efficient reception
Qualified doctors and nurses
Accredited RSHQ Supervising Coal Doctors
Accredited Spirometry Practice
Aviation DAME Doctors
Comfortable and calming environment
Friendly and efficient reception
Qualified doctors and nurses
Accredited RSHQ Supervising Coal Doctors
Accredited Spirometry Practice
Aviation DAME Doctors
At CAIRNS TOURIST & LOCAL MEDICAL SERVICES, we offer comprehensive medical services to any members of the public who may be travelling overseas or to those who require pre-travel medical advice and vaccination.

Dr Paul Jarman

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Nowra, NSW 2541

Open by appt

Personalised And Compassionate Care

Arthroscopy And Sports Injuries
Joint Replacement - Hip, Knee, Shoulder, Elbow
Revision Joint Replacement
Australian Society of Orthopaedic Surgeons (ASOS)
Australian Medical Association
Australian Orthopaedic Associaton
Arthroscopy And Sports Injuries
Joint Replacement - Hip, Knee, Shoulder, Elbow
Revision Joint Replacement
Australian Society of Orthopaedic Surgeons (ASOS)
Australian Medical Association
Australian Orthopaedic Associaton
Dr Paul Jarman is an orthopaedic surgeon with special interest in arthroscopy, joint replacement, particularly of the knee, hip and shoulder. His expertise remains in management of fractures, tendon injuries and other emergencies. He is experienced in the management of hip, knee, wrist, ankle, and shoulder and other fractures and use new treatment technologies to gain the best outcome.

A'Beckett St Medical Centre

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Wonthaggi, VIC 3995

Open until 7:00pm

Professional Doctors In Wonthaggi

Travel advice
Vascular health assessments
Telehealth specialist consultations
Medical Service Provider of Bass Coast Health
Travel advice
Vascular health assessments
Telehealth specialist consultations
Medical Service Provider of Bass Coast Health
Our medical clinic combines a modern, well-equipped facility, innovative practice and dedicated doctors, nurses and staff who belong to the local community.

Mawson Lakes Healthcare Complex

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Mawson Lakes, SA 5095

Open until 5:00pm

Your Experienced Medical Practice In Mawson Lakes and Salisbury

General consults
Health checks
Chronic disease management
Winner - AAPM: SA Practice Manager of the Year 2012
General consults
Health checks
Chronic disease management
Winner - AAPM: SA Practice Manager of the Year 2012
Good health is one of the most important things in a happy life. We understand how significant optimal health is to live a long and fruitful life. When you need a general practitioner in Mawson Lakes, Mawson Lakes Healthcare provides you with medical services that you can trust. Your health is in safe hands with us. Our doctors have years of experience & we are here to care for your health nee

Finley Medical Centre

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Finley, NSW 2713

Open until 5:30pm

Enjoy Good Family Health And Aged Care - With Country Flair

A Local Doctor You Can Trust
A Nursing And Administration Team For Care And Support
Access To Specialist And Hospital Care
Proudly AGPAL Accredited
A Local Doctor You Can Trust
A Nursing And Administration Team For Care And Support
Access To Specialist And Hospital Care
Proudly AGPAL Accredited
Finley medical centre is a true community health care facility where you can visit a trusted local doctor and access quality associated health services for your family. Be confident and have the peace of mind that the health of every member of your family, at every stage of their life, is in good hands. What is more, when you visit Finley Medical Centre you will receive outstanding care.

Featured review

John V.
left a review for

Apple City Family Medicine

Great Doctors and staff - so glad they were recommended when we moved here from Sydney late 2014. Especially happy with how thorough the Doctors are - not just the "whip up a script" type practises that seem so prevalent these days. Highly recommend to anyone looking for a REAL family GP.

Handy tips

Need a doctor to check on your health?

Prevention is better than cure. Consider these tips to stay healthy. Whilst periodic check ups are important, you want to do all you can to see your doctor when necessary:

Eat balanced meals to maintain a healthy weight. Cut out saturated fats and include more veggies and fruits in your diet.

Exercise regularly to keep health issues, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and obesity at bay.

Get your daily dose of sleep to fend off problems such as depression, fatigue and weak immunity.

Avoid excessive smoking and alcohol consumption for healthy lungs, stomach, liver and pancreas.

Keep track of your vital signs at homeā€”blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate and blood sugar levels. There are many watches, gadgets and other electronic devices to help track this.

Consider herbal alternative remedies. Speak to the best doctors who follow eastern medicine practices and philosophies about trying out herbal treatments.

When you do need to visit a medical practitioner, our online listings will help you find a doctor that youā€™re most comfortable with. Keep on searching and donā€™t forget to compare quotes for family and local doctors. Your health is everything.

Doctors - Common Questions

Can I make a same-day appointment with a doctor?

The best way to secure a same-day appointment with a doctor is to call the practice and ask if they are able to see you on that day.
You can find the contact details for doctors near you on the Yellow Pages site.

Can I book an appointment online?

It is rather common for doctors' websites have online booking forms nowadays.
You can use Yellow Pages to find doctors near you, then visit their website to book your appointment.

Do doctors do home visits?

Some doctors in Australia do home visits. Contact an out-of-hours nurse or GP and they will take your details and ask you about your symptoms. A home visit will be arranged if they think you are too ill to leave your house.

How to find bulk billing doctors and medical practitioners?

Not all GP appointments are bulk billed. It's always best to ring up and confirm with the appointment booker and have your Medicare card ready.

Do I need insurance to see a doctor?

You don't need insurance to see a doctor in Australia. However, the costs for medical expenses can get quite high if you are not covered, especially for foreign visitors.

Central Clinic Drouin

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Drouin, VIC 3818

Open until 5:00pm

Now Offering Online Bookings! If Unable To Contact Please Visit Online

Dedicated Team
Highly Qualified Allied Health Professionals
Melbourne Pathology
Phone Consultation during Corona Virus Pandemic Click here
Dr. Rukhsana Yasmin
Dr Manju De Silva
Dedicated Team
Highly Qualified Allied Health Professionals
Melbourne Pathology
Phone Consultation during Corona Virus Pandemic Click here
Dr. Rukhsana Yasmin
Dr Manju De Silva
Central Clinic has provided medical care in Warragul for many years. It relocated to its present site from Barkly Street in January 2001. In February 2004, we opened at 61 Commercial Place, Drouin. Our computer system is linked and information is accessible to all doctors at both the clinics.

Harley Eye Clinic

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Victor Harbor, SA 5211

Open until 5:00pm

Experienced Practitioners & Dedicated Care

Cataract surgery / Glaucoma
Macular degeneration
Diabetic eye disease / pterygium surgery
RANZCO (Royal Australian & NZ College Of Ophthalmologists)
Sight For All
Macular Disease Foundation
Cataract surgery / Glaucoma
Macular degeneration
Diabetic eye disease / pterygium surgery
RANZCO (Royal Australian & NZ College Of Ophthalmologists)
Sight For All
Macular Disease Foundation
Our surgeons specialise in advanced cataract surgery, medical laser procedures and general adult ophthalmology including treatment of; glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic eye disease, retinal vein occlusions, pterygium and eyelid surgery.

Vein Health Medical and Cosmetic

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Melbourne, VIC 3000

Open until 5:00pm

Non-Surgical Varicose Vein Treatment. Dedicated Varicose Vein Clinic

Holistic Approach To Vein Treatment
Latest And Safest Non-Surgical Techniques
Relaxed, Friendly And Tranquil Ambience
Member Of The Australasian College Of Phlebology
Australian Institute Of Ultrasound - Dr. Peter Paraskevas
MBBS, FRACGP, FACP - Dr. Peter Paraskevas
Holistic Approach To Vein Treatment
Latest And Safest Non-Surgical Techniques
Relaxed, Friendly And Tranquil Ambience
Member Of The Australasian College Of Phlebology
Australian Institute Of Ultrasound - Dr. Peter Paraskevas
MBBS, FRACGP, FACP - Dr. Peter Paraskevas
Vein Health Medical and Cosmetic was established by Dr Peter Paraskevas to provide a facility for the needs of patients afflicted with venous disease. It has quickly grown into a practice that provides all up-to-date treatment methods for varicose veins, spider veins, lymphoedema and leg ulcers, without the pain and scarring side effects of traditional surgery.

Queensland Laser Vision

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Spring Hill, QLD 4000

Open until 5:00pm

Local Doctors In Spring Hill

Lens Replacement Surgery
Combining Excellence In Patient Care
State-Of-The-Art Technology
Dr Andrew Apel - MBBS (QLD), FRANZCO
Dr Diana Conrad - MBBS (Hons), BMedSci QLD FRANZCO
Dr Kevin Vandeleur - MBBS, FRANZCO, FRACS
Lens Replacement Surgery
Combining Excellence In Patient Care
State-Of-The-Art Technology
Dr Andrew Apel - MBBS (QLD), FRANZCO
Dr Diana Conrad - MBBS (Hons), BMedSci QLD FRANZCO
Dr Kevin Vandeleur - MBBS, FRANZCO, FRACS
The natural lens of the eye is removed and replaced by an artificial one. This procedure is best suited to people over 45 years of age who experience difficulty reading small print. The vision up close and in the distance can be corrected. This procedure takes about 15 minutes per eye.

Ballarat Surgical Clinic

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Ballarat, VIC 3350

Open until 5:00pm

Qualified, Professional And Experienced Doctors

Obesity Surgery Specialists
Highest Quality Healthcare
Quality Results & Reliable Service
Mr Michael Condous - MBBS (Adel), FRACS (Vasc)
Mr Ahmed Naqeeb - MBBS, FRACS
Mr Kontoku (Kon) Shimokawa - BSc, MB ChB, FRACS
Obesity Surgery Specialists
Highest Quality Healthcare
Quality Results & Reliable Service
Mr Michael Condous - MBBS (Adel), FRACS (Vasc)
Mr Ahmed Naqeeb - MBBS, FRACS
Mr Kontoku (Kon) Shimokawa - BSc, MB ChB, FRACS
At Ballarat Surgical Clinic, we aim to make you feel at ease at our practice with a caring approach to treatment and consultations. We offer wide range of surgical services. Call us today on 03 5332 7241.

Illawarra Family Medical Centre

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Wollongong, NSW 2500

Open until 6:30pm

Dependable Medical Help For Your Entire Family In Wollongong!

Consistent high quality care
Same day appointments
Pathology, radiology, pharmacy and allied health
Best New Illawarra Business Award 2006 - Illawarra Business Chamber
MBBS (USyd, 1978); Dip. RACOG (1981) - Dr Elizabeth Magassy
Consistent high quality care
Same day appointments
Pathology, radiology, pharmacy and allied health
Best New Illawarra Business Award 2006 - Illawarra Business Chamber
MBBS (USyd, 1978); Dip. RACOG (1981) - Dr Elizabeth Magassy
The Illawarra Family Medical Centre was founded in 2005. We are a traditional family medical practice.

Victoria Vein Clinic

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, East Melbourne, VIC 3002

Open until 5:00pm

Vein Specialists - East Melbourne, VIC

Clinical Examination And The Ultrasound Study
Surgical ligation and stripping
Dr Stefania Roberts MBBS FRACGP
Dr Martine Apikian MBBS FRACGP
Dr Sharon Felzen MBBS
Clinical Examination And The Ultrasound Study
Surgical ligation and stripping
Dr Stefania Roberts MBBS FRACGP
Dr Martine Apikian MBBS FRACGP
Dr Sharon Felzen MBBS
The Victoria Vein Clinic associated with Victoria Vascular Ultrasound is a private medical specialist group in Melbourne, Australia. The clinic aims to provide the best possible treatment for venous disease including facial veins, spider veins, varicose veins and the effects of deep vein thrombosis.

Lakeside Medical

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Springfield Lakes, QLD 4300

Open until 6:00pm

First Class Family Health Care

Bulk billing available
Same day appointments
All doctors are either Australian or UK trained
AGPAL Accreditation
RACGP Members
Bulk billing available
Same day appointments
All doctors are either Australian or UK trained
AGPAL Accreditation
RACGP Members
Your medical record is a confidential document. It is our policy to maintain the security of your health information at all times. Health checks are offered for patientā€™s age 45 to 49 to screen for risk factors of common health problems such as heart disease and diabetes. Patients over 75 can have a health check up every year either at the practice or at home with one of our practice nurses.

Southern Ophthalmology Pty Ltd

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Miranda, NSW 2228

Open until 5:00pm

Specialist Eye Care Of The Highest Standards

Professional & Friendly Staff
Best Customer Service
Prompt & Reliable
National Institute Of Health
Macular Degeneration Foundation
Glaucoma Australia
Professional & Friendly Staff
Best Customer Service
Prompt & Reliable
National Institute Of Health
Macular Degeneration Foundation
Glaucoma Australia
Our Surgeons use stats of the art operating theatres of Kogarah Private Hospital, Kogarah and Wollongong Private Hospital, Wollongong. Please do not hesitate to contact our practices and our friendly staff's looks forward to assisting you with your enquiries.

Newhaven Medical Clinic

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Newhaven, VIC 3925

Open until 7:00pm

Professional Doctors In Wonthaggi

Travel Advice
Vascular Health Assessments
Telehealth Specialist Consultations
Medical service provider of Bass Coast Health
Travel Advice
Vascular Health Assessments
Telehealth Specialist Consultations
Medical service provider of Bass Coast Health
Our medical clinic combines a modern, well-equipped facility, innovative practice and dedicated doctors, nurses and staff who belong to the local community.

Adelaide Eye & Laser Centre

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Eastwood, SA 5063

Open until 5:00pm

Adelaide's First In Eye Laser Surgery

Dr Peter Ingham BMBS, FRANZCO
Dr Peter Ingham BMBS, FRANZCO
Adelaide Eye & Laser Centre aims to provide premier personalised care for patients with visual problems in order for them to gain better health, well-being and an improvement in their overall lifestyle. We will achieve this outcome by providing outstanding service through clinical care, innovative surgical techniques, experience and customer's focus.

Nepean Specialist Sports Medicine

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Penrith, NSW 2750

Open until 5:00pm

A Specialist Approach To Musculoskeletal Injuries.

Fully qualified doctors
Clinical services
Treatment services
Australaian College of Sports Physicians - Dr. Kevin Boundy
Graduated from Flinders University in 1985 - Dr. Kevin Boundy
Diploma in Exercise and Sports Science (Syd) - Dr. Kevin Boundy
Fully qualified doctors
Clinical services
Treatment services
Australaian College of Sports Physicians - Dr. Kevin Boundy
Graduated from Flinders University in 1985 - Dr. Kevin Boundy
Diploma in Exercise and Sports Science (Syd) - Dr. Kevin Boundy

Liberty Belle Skin Centre

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Toorak, VIC 3142

Open until 6:00pm

Professional Doctors - Medical Practitioners In Toorak

Personalised Treatment
Latest Laser Technology
Over 250,000 Skin Consultations
Dr Chris Moss - MBBS, Dip. Anat., FRACS, Plastic Surgeon
Personalised Treatment
Latest Laser Technology
Over 250,000 Skin Consultations
Dr Chris Moss - MBBS, Dip. Anat., FRACS, Plastic Surgeon
Dr Chris Moss has special expertise and experience in cosmetic plastic surgery of the face, nose and breast, including facelift, eyelids, rhinoplasty, breast implants, lip enhancement and anti-wrinkle treatments.

Wishart Medical Centre

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Wishart, QLD 4122

Open until 6:30pm

Complete Health Care In One Convenient Location

Family Friendly Practice Open 7 Days
General & Mental Health, Vaccinations & Workcover
Women's & Children's Health, Immunisations
AGPAL Accredited Practice
Open 7 Days Wishart
General Family Practice
Family Friendly Practice Open 7 Days
General & Mental Health, Vaccinations & Workcover
Women's & Children's Health, Immunisations
AGPAL Accredited Practice
Open 7 Days Wishart
General Family Practice
These specialists, because of their background and interactions with the family, are best qualified to serve as each patient's advocate in all health-related matters, including the appropriate use of consultants, health services, and community. Allied Health Providers - Dietitian, Physiotherapist, Psychologist, Exercise Physiologist and Podiatrist.

Trail Street Medical Centre

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650

Open until 5:30pm

Caring, Friendly, Non-judgemental General And Allied Health Practice

Abundant parking is available
Quality family health care
Allied health services
QPA Accredited
Abundant parking is available
Quality family health care
Allied health services
QPA Accredited
69 Trail Street, Wagga Wagga Ph: (02) 6921 3990 [email protected] Hours: 8.30am-5.30pm Monday-Friday

The Doctors at Lavington and Thurgoona

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Lavington, NSW 2641



Open until 5:00pm

Our Team Enjoys Coming To Work Each Day

Friendly Staff And Doctors
Quality Services
Border Pathology
Friendly Staff And Doctors
Quality Services
Border Pathology
We endeavour to run on time for your appointments, please let staff know at the time of making an appointment if you feel you will need additional time for your appointment. Sometimes an emergency will make it impossible to run on time, if this should happen, where possible we will advise you on the length of the delay.

Healthlink Family Medical Centre

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Cranbrook, QLD 4814



Open until 5:00pm

Your Comprehensive Healthcare Destination

Emergency treatment
Sunspot removal
Pre-employment medicals
Healthlink Pharmacy
Northern Pathology Townsville
Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology
Emergency treatment
Sunspot removal
Pre-employment medicals
Healthlink Pharmacy
Northern Pathology Townsville
Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology
Bulk billing doctors providing an extended hours service to the people of Townsville for over 24 years, providing an affordable and convenient medical service to all families.

Riverina Urology

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2650

Open until 5:00pm

Urologist & Urological Surgeon

Robotic Prostatectomy
Robotic Partial Nephrectomy
Renal Biopsy
Australian Medical Association
Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons: RACS
Robotic Prostatectomy
Robotic Partial Nephrectomy
Renal Biopsy
Australian Medical Association
Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons: RACS
Riverina Urology is a Wagga based urological practice. Urology is the speciality that focuses on the branch of medicine and physiology concerned with the function and disorders of the urinary system.