35 BEST local Doctors in Canberra ACT | Yellow Pages®

206 Results for Doctors Near You

Garema Place Surgery

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Canberra, ACT 2601

Open until 6:00pm

Dr Andrew Foote

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Barton, ACT 2600

Open until 5:00pm

Emergency Doctors In ACT

He has over twenty years' experience as Obstetrician/Gynaecologist/ Urogynaecologist in Sydney, Newcastle, Manchester (UK) and Canberra. He has worked in some of the most prestigious hospitals in Australia and the United Kingdom including St Vincent’s Hospital, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Westmead Hospital, John Hunter Hospital, St George Hospital and St Mary’s Hospital in Manchester.

City Family Practice

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Canberra, ACT 2601

Interchange General Practice

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Canberra, ACT 2601

Garema Place Surgery

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Canberra, ACT 2601

Featured review

Rainbow U.
left a review for

Healsmith Mark F Dr

Dr Healsmith took the time to listen to my concerns, I went to him for a second opinion. Dr Healsmith was very reassuring and provided good suggestions. The appointment was only 15 mins but he really took the time with me and we chatted for half hr. I am very pleased to have met him.

Handy tips

Need a doctor to check on your health?

Prevention is better than cure. Consider these tips to stay healthy. Whilst periodic check ups are important, you want to do all you can to see your doctor when necessary:

Eat balanced meals to maintain a healthy weight. Cut out saturated fats and include more veggies and fruits in your diet.

Exercise regularly to keep health issues, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and obesity at bay.

Get your daily dose of sleep to fend off problems such as depression, fatigue and weak immunity.

Avoid excessive smoking and alcohol consumption for healthy lungs, stomach, liver and pancreas.

Keep track of your vital signs at home—blood pressure, heart rate, breathing rate and blood sugar levels. There are many watches, gadgets and other electronic devices to help track this.

Consider herbal alternative remedies. Speak to the best doctors who follow eastern medicine practices and philosophies about trying out herbal treatments.

When you do need to visit a medical practitioner, our online listings will help you find a doctor that you’re most comfortable with. Keep on searching and don’t forget to compare quotes for family and local doctors. Your health is everything.

Doctors - Common Questions

Can I make a same-day appointment with a doctor?

The best way to secure a same-day appointment with a doctor is to call the practice and ask if they are able to see you on that day.
You can find the contact details for doctors near you on the Yellow Pages site.

Can I book an appointment online?

It is rather common for doctors' websites have online booking forms nowadays.
You can use Yellow Pages to find doctors near you, then visit their website to book your appointment.

Do doctors do home visits?

Some doctors in Australia do home visits. Contact an out-of-hours nurse or GP and they will take your details and ask you about your symptoms. A home visit will be arranged if they think you are too ill to leave your house.

How to find bulk billing doctors and medical practitioners?

Not all GP appointments are bulk billed. It's always best to ring up and confirm with the appointment booker and have your Medicare card ready.

Do I need insurance to see a doctor?

You don't need insurance to see a doctor in Australia. However, the costs for medical expenses can get quite high if you are not covered, especially for foreign visitors.

Healsmith Mark F Dr

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Canberra, ACT 2601

Wright Adrian Dr

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Canberra, ACT 2601

Dr Anthony Edwards

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Canberra, ACT 2601

Harley David

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Canberra, ACT 2601

Sonic HealthPlus Travel Doctor Canberra

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Canberra, ACT 2601

Mayne Laverty Pathology Collection Centres

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Canberra, ACT 2601

The Travel Doctor-TMVC

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Turner, ACT 2612

Barton General Practice

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Barton, ACT 2600

Open until 6:00pm

Serving The Local Community

Legal ID: Accepting New Patients

Dr Sim Hom Tam

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Barton, ACT 2600

Open until 5:00pm

Canberra's Obstetrician and Gynaecologist

Wattle Street Medical Practice

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Oconnor, ACT 2602

Open until 6:30pm

Campbell Medical Practice

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Campbell, ACT 2612

Open until 5:00pm

Capital Pathology

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Deakin, ACT 2600

Open by appt

Wakefield Gardens Surgery

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Ainslie, ACT 2602

Damiani Orthopaedics

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Kingston, ACT 2604

Universal Medical Imaging

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Kingston, ACT 2604

Legal ID: Quality diagnostic imaging service

Dr Ben Martin

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Braddon, ACT 2612

Morris Wellness

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Kingston, ACT 2604

Open by appt

Demilio S & Mills I

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Oconnor, ACT 2602

Dr. Tuan Quoc Tran

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Lyneham, ACT 2602

Dr Cormick

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Barton, ACT 2600

Universal Medical Imaging

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Braddon, ACT 2612

North Canberra Orthopaedic Surgery

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Braddon, ACT 2612

Lonsdale St Medical Practice

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Braddon, ACT 2612

Showing results 1 - 35 of 206

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