35 BEST local Doctors in Merewether NSW | Yellow Pages®

310 Results for Doctors Near You

Dr Stuart MacKenzie

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Merewether, NSW 2291


Orthopaedic Surgeon - Hip And Knee Surgery

Specialising In Hip And Knee Surgery
Robotic Knee Surgery
Over 20 Years Of Experience
Robotic Arm Assisted PKA
Robotic Arm Assisted TKA
Robotic Arm Assisted THA
Specialising In Hip And Knee Surgery
Robotic Knee Surgery
Over 20 Years Of Experience
Robotic Arm Assisted PKA
Robotic Arm Assisted TKA
Robotic Arm Assisted THA
He has a special interest in difficult and revision hip and knee replacement surgery. He also specialises in arthroscopic knee surgery, including ACL reconstruction, and orthopaedic trauma surgery. Dr Mackenzie has undertaken training in orthopaedic surgery in Australia, the USA, Canada and England.

Vascular One

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Merewether, NSW 2291


Experienced Doctors In Gateshead!

Specialist Vascular Ultrasound (Doppler) providers
Drs Mathew Sebastian and Nicole Organ
Vascular sonographers
Specialist Vascular Ultrasound (Doppler) providers
Drs Mathew Sebastian and Nicole Organ
Vascular sonographers
Vascular One HealthCare is an ultrasound practice specialising in non-invasive imaging of the vascular system. This includes examination of the arteries and veins of the legs, arms, abdomen and neck by experienced staff with specific qualifications and training in performing vascular ultrasound.

Dr Bruce Caldwell

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Merewether, NSW 2291




Orthopaedic Surgeon

Friendly & reliable services
Professional advice
Highly experienced
Friendly & reliable services
Professional advice
Highly experienced

Dr. Monique Parkin

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, The Junction, NSW 2291



Not provided

Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeon - Adults & Children

Dr. Monique Parkin has been practising since 2010. With more than 10 years of experience, she has become one of the most trusted and expert ENT specialists in Broadmeadow and the surrounding areas. Over the years, she has built a reputation for providing personalised care to every patient and ensuring that their issues are resolved with complete effectiveness and full satisfaction.

Bhagwandeen Rohan Dr

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Hamilton East, NSW 2303

Open 24 hours

Professional Doctors - Medical Practitioners In Hamilton

Coronary Angiogram & Coronary Stenting
Exercise Stress Echo
Exercise Stress Testing
Hunter Postgraduate Medical Institute
Coronary Angiogram & Coronary Stenting
Exercise Stress Echo
Exercise Stress Testing
Hunter Postgraduate Medical Institute
Newcastle Heart is a team of Newcastle cardiologists providing comprehensive cardiac care. Newcastle Heart provides professional, reliable care and consultation to our patients. We are committed to providing a reliable and confidential medical service aimed at improving your health and heart wellbeing. The combination of specialists at Newcastle heart cover all areas of heart conditions.

Dr. Nandini Somanathan

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Broadmeadow, NSW 2292


Specialist In Obstetrician & Gynaecologist

MD, MRCOG, FRANZCOG - Dr. Nandini Somanathan
MD, MRCOG, FRANZCOG - Dr. Nandini Somanathan
Dr. Nandini Somanathan MD, MRCOG, FRANZCOG (United Kingdom at the Royal Hallamshire hospital in Sheffield) is a senior staff specialist at John Hunter Hospital, conjoint lecturer at University of Newcastle. She is also the training supervisor and mentor for junior doctors in training. This enables her to keep up-to-date with current practices the recent advances in the speciality.

Featured reviews

Handy tips

Looking for the best doctors in town?

A competent practitioner can provide effective healthcare services and care for all age groups, ranging from children to the elderly. Here are a few pointers to help you in your search for quality medical care:

Services: Assess your situation. Do you need to visit a local doctor for a regular health check-up or are the services of a 24-hour doctor in order for an emergency situation.

Accreditation: Make sure to select a medical service provider that has been accredited by leading authorities, such as the Australian General Practice Accreditation Limited (AGPAL). That way, you are assured of reliable healthcare services.

Competence: Opt for doctors based on reviews so you know you are in good hands. Testimonials can help you gauge the expertise of a medical expert based on others’ experiences.

Fees: Bear in mind that the fee structure for every doctor is different. Compare quotes and choose an option that is most suitable for your finances.

Follow our tips and browse through our listings for doctors near you to receive the best medical attention today!

Doctors - Common Questions

Can I make a same-day appointment with a doctor?

The best way to secure a same-day appointment with a doctor is to call the practice and ask if they are able to see you on that day.
You can find the contact details for doctors near you on the Yellow Pages site.

Can I book an appointment online?

It is rather common for doctors' websites have online booking forms nowadays.
You can use Yellow Pages to find doctors near you, then visit their website to book your appointment.

Do doctors do home visits?

Some doctors in Australia do home visits. Contact an out-of-hours nurse or GP and they will take your details and ask you about your symptoms. A home visit will be arranged if they think you are too ill to leave your house.

How to find bulk billing doctors and medical practitioners?

Not all GP appointments are bulk billed. It's always best to ring up and confirm with the appointment booker and have your Medicare card ready.

Do I need insurance to see a doctor?

You don't need insurance to see a doctor in Australia. However, the costs for medical expenses can get quite high if you are not covered, especially for foreign visitors.

Dr. C Padmakumar - Specialist Geriatrician

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Broadmeadow, NSW 2292

Open by appt

We Strive to Empower Elderly Health

Key International Collaborator Kings Coll London
Specialised in a wide range of medical problems
Various parkinson's disease support groups
MBBS, MD, CCT(UK), FRACP, FRCP (Edin) - Dr. C. Padmakumar
Parkinson's Disease Specialist For The Older Person
FALLS & Sincupe Specialist
Key International Collaborator Kings Coll London
Specialised in a wide range of medical problems
Various parkinson's disease support groups
MBBS, MD, CCT(UK), FRACP, FRCP (Edin) - Dr. C. Padmakumar
Parkinson's Disease Specialist For The Older Person
FALLS & Sincupe Specialist
Dr Padmakumar has presented in various international conferences in Parkinson's Disease, actively participated in international Parkinson's conferences across the world and runs the Parkinson's Disease Service for the Older Person in Newcastle.

Dr Jorgen Hellman

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Broadmeadow, NSW 2292

Dr Bruce Caldwell

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Merewether, NSW 2291




Merewether Ridge Street Surgery

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Merewether, NSW 2291

Glebe Road Medical Practice

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Merewether, NSW 2291

David Cossettini & Associates

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Merewether, NSW 2291

Bellamy G R

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Merewether, NSW 2291

Bray A E

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Merewether, NSW 2291

Newing Vicki

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Merewether, NSW 2291

Lambert Geoffrey

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Merewether, NSW 2291

Kennedy Philippa

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Merewether, NSW 2291

Hunter Children's Clinics

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Merewether, NSW 2291

Kumar Anand

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Merewether, NSW 2291

Marley Chris

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Merewether, NSW 2291

Hall Pedita

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Merewether, NSW 2291

Morbey Claire Dr

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Merewether, NSW 2291

Hunter Orthopaedics & Sports Surgery

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Merewether, NSW 2291


Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Merewether, NSW 2291

Sydney IVF - Newcastle

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Merewether, NSW 2291

Vein & Laser Centre

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, The Junction, NSW 2291

Vein & Laser Centre

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, The Junction, NSW 2291

Woolcott Robert Dr

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, The Junction, NSW 2291

The Crossbones Clinic

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, The Junction, NSW 2291

Stamell George

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, The Junction, NSW 2291


Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Broadmeadow, NSW 2292


Your Workforce Health Is Our Business

Central Vein & Cosmetic Medical Centre

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Broadmeadow, NSW 2292

Showing results 1 - 35 of 310

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