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15 BEST local Florists in Canberra ACT | Yellow Pages®

15 Results for Florists Near You

City Florist

Florists, servicing Canberra


Floral Elegance, Reliable Delivery

The florists with a shop front
Locally owned & operated
Open on Saturday till noon
Interflora Flowers World Wide
McAfee Secure
The florists with a shop front
Locally owned & operated
Open on Saturday till noon
Interflora Flowers World Wide
McAfee Secure
We cater for all occasions both, private and corporate offering fresh flowers every day. Send a baby basket to a newborn, and to the parents, we offer champagne and chocolates. We will deliver on the same day. We are committed to offering only the finest floral arrangements and gifts, backed by service that is friendly and prompt. We always go the extra mile to make your floral gift perfect.

Florists, servicing Canberra

Janine Florist

Florists, Canberra, ACT 2601

Not provided

Beautiful Flowers As Close As The Web

Over 58 years of experience
Fresh, beautiful blooms and plants
Exceptional standards of quality and service
Over 58 years of experience
Fresh, beautiful blooms and plants
Exceptional standards of quality and service
We are successfully operating for over half a century. We are located in the civic heart of Canberra. Janine Florist is a family business and one of the most recognised florists in Canberra. We have grown with the city, changed with the times, responded to fashions and style trends, yet never wavered in our commitment to excellence.

Send A Basket

Gift Baskets & Hampers, Canberra, ACT 2601

Open until 10:00pm

To The Door Of The One You Love

Same day delivery
Exciting designs
Fresh, beautiful blooms and plants
Same day delivery
Exciting designs
Fresh, beautiful blooms and plants
Conveniently located in Canberra's civic heart, we are one of the most recognised florists in Canberra, with 52 years history and reputation for excellence, ready to design your next gorgeous creation and deliver it anywhere in Canberra and the ACT.

Canberra Arcade Florist

Florists, Canberra, ACT 2601



Open 24 hours

Canberra Arcade Florist has incorporated Christine's Flower Boutique and has been operating Canberra City since 1974.

Lil' Blossom

Florists, Canberra, ACT 2601

Nibble and Flourish

Florists, Turner, ACT 2612

Janine Florist


Beautiful Flowers As Close As The Web