6 BEST local Podiatrists in Tamworth NSW | Yellow Pages®

6 Results for Podiatrists Near You

Tamworth Podiatry Centre

Podiatrist, North Tamworth, NSW 2340

Open until 5:00pm

Over 40 Years Experience Servicing Tamworth

General Foot Health & Well Being
Diabetes Check-Ups & Health Assessments
Gait Analysis & Functional Custom Orthotics
Nail Surgery
DVA - NDIS - Home Visits - Nursing homes - Care Packages
General Foot Health & Well Being
Diabetes Check-Ups & Health Assessments
Gait Analysis & Functional Custom Orthotics
Nail Surgery
DVA - NDIS - Home Visits - Nursing homes - Care Packages
Tamworth Podiatry Centre is an established practice covering all aspects of podiatry, looking after the region for over thirty years. Simon Burnett and his team of podiatrists are dedicated to the health of your feet and well-being.

Brooke Dalzell Podiatry

Podiatrist, North Tamworth, NSW 2340

Open until 5:30pm

Brooke Dalzell Podiatry

Podiatrist, North Tamworth, NSW 2340

Country Podiatry

Podiatrist, South Tamworth, NSW 2340

Dalzell Brooke

Podiatrist, North Tamworth, NSW 2340

Handy tips

What is a podiatrist?

Podiatrists are practitioners of podiatric medicine. They specialise in diagnosing, treating and studying medical disorders of the lower leg, ankle and foot, as well as the lower back. In Australia, they are also known as a chiropodist.

Podiatrists provide treatment and advice for a range issues. These range from bunion treatment and prescribing podiatrist orthotics, to complicated ankle and foot surgeries such as removing bone spurs. There are specialties within podiatry. Sports podiatrists treat foot injuries among sportspersons, while paediatric podiatrists treat child and baby feet.

Common foot and lower leg problems treated by a podiatrist include:

  • Plantar warts and other skin disorders.
  • Calluses, corns, warts.
  • Fractures and sprains.
  • Flat feet.
  • Ingrown toenails.
  • Foot deformities caused by clubfoot and other such congenital disabilities as well as problems caused by damage or neglect.
  • Feet issues that cause abnormal gait or posture.

Are you looking for a foot doctor? View our listings of local podiatrists in your area and get competitive quotes.

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