Let us do the work. Compare multiple quotes from Scrap Metal Merchants in your local area, so you get the right fit, the first time.
Scrap Metal Merchants, servicing Newcastle
Open until 4:00pm
Demolition Services & Industrial Collections - Multi Bin Service
Scrap Metal Merchants, servicing Newcastle
Scrap Metal Merchants, Carrington, NSW 2294
Open until 4:00pm
Cash For Scrap
Second Hand Books & Antiquarian, Hamilton, NSW 2303
Open until 5:00pm
Pre-Loved, Rare, Out Of Print & New Books
Second Hand Books & Antiquarian, Tighes Hill, NSW 2297
Open until 4:00pm
Secondhand Books & Records
Asbestos Removal, Newcastle, NSW 2300
Open until 6:00pm
Quality Asbestos Removal Services In Newcastle And Surrounds
Legal ID: Asbestos License (Class A) – AD 213599
Fencing Materials, servicing Newcastle
Open until 5:00pm
Buy Direct And Save Money
Fencing Materials, servicing Newcastle
Recycling plays a big part in not only reducing waste in landfills but also giving customers low priced recycled building materials. Here’s a brief rundown on how recycling works.
There are three parts to the recycling process: collection, manufacturing and buying. These three components are typically represented by the three "chasing arrows" of the recycling logo.
Be a part of the recycled market and find second-hand building materials near you.
Wooden Boxes & Cases, servicing Newcastle
Manufacturers Of Pallets, Boxes & Crates
Wooden Boxes & Cases, servicing Newcastle
Wooden Boxes & Cases, Islington, NSW 2296
Open until 4:15pm
Manufacturers Of Pallets, Boxes & Crates
Brick Paving, Hamilton, NSW 2303
Open until 4:00pm
Best For All Your Brick Paving Requirements
Fencing Materials, Lambton, NSW 2299
Open until 5:00pm
Buy Direct And Save Money
Building Supplies, Lambton, NSW 2299
Open until 4:30pm
Helpful & Friendly Service & Advice From Those Who Know
Timber Supplies, Broadmeadow, NSW 2292
Open until 5:00pm
Attention Builders & Owner Builders, Save Time, Save Responsibility!
Roof Trusses & Wall Frames, Broadmeadow, NSW 2292
Open until 5:00pm
Attention Builders & Owner Builders, Save Time, Save Responsibility!
Scrap Metal Merchants, Teralba, NSW 2284
Open until 4:00pm
Demolition Services & Industrial Collections - Multi Bin Service
Building Supplies, Cardiff, NSW 2285
Open until 4:30pm
Helpful & Friendly Service & Advice From Those Who Know
Demolition Contractors, Wallsend, NSW 2287
Open until 5:00pm
Demolition, Asbestos And Remediation - 35 Years’ Experience
Legal ID: Demolition Licence No. AD212375; Asbestos Removal Licence No. AD212516
Second Hand Building Materials, Redhead, NSW 2290
Second Hand Dealers, Merewether, NSW 2291
Second Hand Dealers, Hamilton, NSW 2303
Second Hand Dealers, Broadmeadow, NSW 2292
Second Hand Dealers, Mayfield, NSW 2304
Asbestos Removal, Georgetown, NSW 2298
Open until 5:00pm
Brick Paving, Broadmeadow, NSW 2292
Open by appt
Legal ID: Lic30088C
Demolition Contractors, Redhead, NSW 2290
Open until 5:00pm
Second Hand Books & Antiquarian, Charlestown, NSW 2290
Not provided
Second Hand Dealers, Wallsend, NSW 2287
Second Hand Dealers, Cardiff, NSW 2285
Second Hand Books & Antiquarian, Jesmond, NSW 2299
Freight & Transport Companies, Gateshead, NSW 2290
Open until 7:00pm
Legal ID: Move small households
Demolition Contractors, Toronto, NSW 2283
Open until 6:00pm
Fencing Materials, Warners Bay, NSW 2282
Demolition Contractors, Kotara, NSW 2289
Showing results 1 - 35 of 47
Scrap Metal Merchants
Demolition Services & Industrial Collections - Multi Bin Service
Scrap Metal Merchants
Cash For Scrap
Fencing Materials
You Bring The Dream, Stratco Will Bring The How To
Heavy Haulage
Heavy Haulage & Over Sized & Over Mass Specialist - Australia Wide
Wooden Boxes & Cases
Manufacturers Of Pallets, Boxes & Crates
Timber Supplies
Attention Builders & Owner Builders, Save Time, Save Responsibility!
Demolition Contractors
Demolition, Asbestos And Remediation - 35 Years’ Experience
Auto Wreckers & Recyclers
Australia’s Leading 4WD & Light Commercial Auto Dismantler
Roof Trusses & Wall Frames
Attention Builders & Owner Builders, Save Time, Save Responsibility!
Landscape Supplies
Sands, Soils, Gravels, Mulches, Cement, Potting Mix and Pots.