Winds Of Spirit - Astrological Readings & Counselling. Private Classes
B.A./Ph.D.Esoteric Astrology - KarenKay Pearson
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Products and Services
Transit Readings are also a speciality and a popular one - which look ahead for 12 months and identifying trends, and themes which then allows one to feel in control of their life knowing they are going with the flow of energy - not against it.
Flexible Hours
Charts, Horoscope Analysis, Workshops
Accredited, By Appointment, Certified, Consultations, Gift Vouchers, Guaranteed, Mail Order
Career Paths, Love, Past Lives, Relationships
Couples, Men, Women
Over 25 Years
Yes, I can.
Absolutely not.
No, a professional Astrologer and or Tarot Readers goal is to empower you not dis-empower.