Advanced Dental Prosthetics Clinic, 1 Pring St Warners Bay 2282

Audika Hearing Clinic Warners Bay opening hours in Warners Bay

Audiologist & Hearing Test near me

Audika Hearing Clinic Warners Bay opening hours in Warners Bay

8:30am - 4:30pm
8:30am - 4:30pm
8:30am - 4:30pm
8:30am - 4:30pm
8:30am - 4:00pm
Sat Closed
Sun Closed
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  1. About Us

  2. Products and Services

  3. Additional Locations

  4. FAQs

About Us

Audika Hearing Clinic Warners Bay - Promotion

About Audika Hearing Clinic Warners Bay

  • Qualified audiologists & audiometrists
  • Online booking available
  • Free hearing checks for adults over 26
  • Same-day hearing test results
  • A variety of modern hearing aids to suit your lifestyle & budget

Welcome to Audika Warners Bay Hearing Clinic, where our team of audiologists or audiometrists are dedicated to providing you with expert hearing care including hearing tests and finding the right hearing aid solution for you. We believe in personalised hearing care, because we know that you are unique. So when it comes to your hearing aids, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution and it is our goal to make sure you always have the very best in hearing health care.

We can help you if you:

  • Think you or a loved one may have hearing loss
  • Would like to know more about what happens at a hearing test
  • Are interested in upgrading your current hearing aids
  • Need help understanding the Australian Government Hearing Services Program.

Start your journey to improve your hearing today and book a FREE* hearing check with Audika.

40 061 969 006

Products and Services

Audika Hearing Clinic Warners Bay - Promotion


Accredited, Government Discounts, No Referral Necessary, Payment Plans, Senior Discounts

Catering To

Adults, Veterans


Hearing Test Darwin, In-the-ear hearing aids, Hearing Test Sydney, Hearing Test Canberra, Audiologist near me, Hearing Test Adelaide, Behind-the-ear hearing aids, Hearing Test Perth, Rechargeable hearing aids, Hearing Test Melbourne, Hearing Test Brisbane, Hearing Test Hobart, High frequency hearing loss, Bluetooth hearing aids, Audika in Australia

Additional Locations

Showing 320 locations in 8 states


  • What hearing tests do you offer?

    We have three types of tests in our clinics. These include an AMTAS - computer test using specific hearing software (15 mins), a screening test with a Clinician (15-30 mins) and a full test with a Clinician (60 mins). We will determine the most suitable hearing test check for your needs by answering a few simple questions before confirming your booking.