What is fair-trade coffee?
The term Fair Trade seems to be more and more popular these days, but what does it really mean? How can you be sure that your good intentions – and the money you spend – are really helping the people who grow the coffee?
What is Fair Trade?
Fair Trade coffee is purchased directly from coffee growers at a higher and presumably ‘fairer’ price than standard coffee. Fair Trade coffee growers form cooperatives with other local individual growers, not just to sell their product, but also to make collective decisions on how best to spend their profits for the ongoing benefit of cooperative members.
Fair Trade certification
Coffee which is branded as ‘Fair Trade’ has been certified by one of the international Fair Trade organisations. Fair Trade International is 24 individual organisations working together to secure a better deal for coffee producers. Fair Trade International has its headquarters in Germany, and sets international Fair Trade standards.
Does Fair Trade mean Organic?
Whilst most Fair Trade coffee is also certified as organic, organic certification is a separate set of standards. Most organic certification is the same world-wide, however the standards for certification can vary from country to country.
In addition to Fair Trade, there are a number of other ‘ethical coffee’ certifications which you can consider when making your coffee choice. These include Direct Trade, Bird Friendly, Rainforest Alliance, Organic, Carbon-neutral and Shade coffee. Make sure your cafe or coffee shop is serving the type of coffee that you are happy drinking.