Don’t turn a blind eye: 7 ways to reduce eye strain
Hands up who works at a computer? Keep your hand up if you often complain of sore, itchy eyes, headaches or migraines. Sounds like you’re suffering the effects of eye strain; where the eye goes into overdrive trying to focus and help us see properly, while battling with bright lighting, harsh glare and too many boring spreadsheets. Don’t ignore the problem. Give your peepers a rest with these top tips:
Proper lighting
Bright lights – usually from sunlight and harsh fluorescent bulbs – is one of the main causes of eye strain, as your eyes work their guts out to adjust to help you see. Eliminate reflections and glare by shutting curtains or blinds, moving your monitor so it’s not directly in front of a window, or asking your boss to invest in some lower intensity bulbs or dimmer switches.
Getting an eye exam
A recent study by Optometry Australia showed that 90 per cent of Australians list loss of eyesight as their number one health concern, however more than half of us have admitted to not having an eye test, even at the recommendation of a GP. If you spend the bulk of your days in front of a computer screen, PLEASE book in for an eye exam now (we’ll wait while you make the call.) Even if your eyes are feeling fine, an optometrist can see what’s really going on and recommend ways to fix any problems. Even better, most of the time you don’t even need a referral.
Computers are a leading cause of eye strain
Reducing glare on computer screens
Glare from walls, shiny surfaces and a too-bright screen can cause havoc on your eyeballs. Adjust the brightness and contrast on your computer and consider splashing out on an anti-glare screen for your monitor.
Blinking more often
Blinking doesn’t just protect our eyes from outside nuisances, like dust and other particles in the air, or to show off our gorgeous eyelids. It also moistens the eyes to prevent dryness and irritation. Studies show that, on average, we blink between 15-20 times per minute, however when we’re staring at a screen this can drop to between 7-10 bpm (blinks per minute). No wonder your eyes feel so dry.
Eye ‘fitness’
You don’t need to fork out wads of cash for a membership at that hot new eye gym: eye exercise is as simple as looking away from your screen, focussing your gaze on a distant object (at least six metres away), and allowing your eyes to recalibrate. Exercise your eyes every 20 minutes for around 20 seconds. Experts calls this the 20-20-20 exercise: 20 feet for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. Easy.
Giving your eyes regular breaks
Aim to step away from your desk every hour for a five-minute mini break. Get a cup of tea, have a quick stretch or chat to a co-worker about their new dog. This reduces tension, muscle fatigue and rejuvenates you for another hour of work.
Wear sunglasses when you’re out in the sun
Not only do sunnies make you look cool, they’re also protecting your eyes from harmful UV rays. Invest in a pair that offers UV protection.
If your eyes are giving you constant strain, book an appointment to see your optometrist.