How to structure a birthday party
Decide how much time, energy and money you want to spend on your child’s party. Will you hire an entertainer, a caterer or a venue (if you don’t want them running through your lounge); what about a bouncing castle to get rid of all that energy? After you greet your guests and safely lock the presents away in a room where no one can examine them, start with a getting to know you game like pass the parcel. Make sure everyone wins something if you don’t want tears.
Alternate sitting down quietly games like pass the parcel with running around screaming games, like a treasure hunt or bashing away at a pinata. Remember, the aim is to tire them out enough so they behave, but not so much that they get emotional and start crying. Old fashioned games like pin the tail on the donkey still work. In fact, today’s computer kids are fascinated to find a person can be entertained by a piece of paper, a pin and a blindfold!
If you’re not sure how to structure your party, then get along to a kids party supply store. Many of these have online sites that offer free advice to get you started. If you can get the correct combination of ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ activities, you have hit upon the perfect party structure.